
Slugline screenplay definition
Slugline screenplay definition

slugline screenplay definition

⋮ If you’re a keyboard user, you can now use CMD Y for notes and CMD / for omissions. Just tap anywhere near the top of that glorious screen. ⋮ It’s now easier to reveal the top bar on iPhone X. ⋮ We added a switch to turn off the extra keyboard buttons if you don't want them. ⋮ You can swipe back from your screenplay to the file browser, like every other reasonable app.


This quick update is a fix for some reliability issues you helped uncover, and is a good excuse to also share a few new features that you’ve requested. We’re deeply grateful you jumped right in as such an early adopter of Slugline on iOS! We are always grateful when you share your feedback with us, either here by writing a review, or at /contact. ⋮ The keyboard buttons are now more readable in very narrow layouts.

slugline screenplay definition

⋮ Writers who use iOS accessibility should be able to reasonably use speech-to-text now. ⋮ Certain kinds of text deletions no longer cause the app to crash. ⋮ Dropbox and iCloud files save much more frequently as you write. ⋮ Keyboard users can use CMD Y for notes and CMD / for omissions. ⋮ Easier to reveal the top bar on iPhone X by tapping anywhere near the top of the screen. ⋮ Turn off the extra keyboard buttons if you don't want them. ⋮ Swipe back from your screenplay to the file browser. Here’s what we added in our previous update, 1.0.1: ⋮ The keyboard bar better respects your life choices regarding its visibility. ⋮ Margins no longer get borked when returning from other apps. ⋮ Dragging and dropping text within a Slugline document no longer leaves your screenplay in a confused state.

slugline screenplay definition

⋮ The Parenthetical button does more of what you’d hope from it. ⋮ Swiping back from your screenplay should be even better now. Slugline keeps getting better, and that's thanks to you! Slug us a line at with any questions or feedback you have, and follow us on Twitter at (still) deeply grateful you jumped right in as an early adopter of Slugline on iOS! This is our second update for reliability and performance, and all these fixes are based on your amazing feedback. Slugline allows you to be as structured as you like, even if that means not at all.​ Or jot down a placeholder for your third-act twist while you’re still crafting your opening pages. Start with an outline, then seamlessly transition to writing scenes. When you open it in Slugline again, everything will be there, properly formatted.​


Slugline uses the free and open Fountain screenplay format, which is nothing more than plain text.​ You can work on your screenplay anywhere, using any writing app. ⋮ Includes Courier Prime, a beautiful typeface designed for screenplays ⋮ Notes, Scene Synopses, and Omitted text help keep you organized ⋮ Helpful structure templates, including the famous beat sheet from Save the Cat!® ⋮ Printed on paper or PDF, your screenplay is indistinguishable from one made with apps costing much more ⋮ Works with iOS 11 Drag and Drop and the Files app ⋮ Sync files with iCloud and Dropbox, or work locally It automatically turns your writing into a properly formatted screenplay, without you ever needing to press the Tab key.

slugline screenplay definition

Slugline is a minimal, distraction-free environment for the most important part of screenwriting-the writing part.


The highest-rated screenwiting app on the Mac App Store comes to iOS!

Slugline screenplay definition